Thankfully, my wife finally saw how unhappy I was about not having managed to get to Randolph this summer, and decided to let me make a trip up there. She wanted me to borrow my son's car for the drive, but I feel safer in my own, plus, as Roxana doesn't want me to spend any money on a motel, I expect I'll have to sleep in my car.
I must also thank Steven L. Thomson, who is one of the authors of Randolph - A Look Back, and, as it turns out, a cousin of mine. He recently contacted me through findagrave.com. I had met him at a Brough Family Reunion a couple years ago, and got his contact information, but promptly lost it. He has been very helpful to me in a number of ways, in preparing for my trip. He's put me in touch with his mother, Mar Jean Thomson, and she will put me in touch with Jane Digerness, the other two authors of Randolph - A Look Back. I may even get to go to church with them on Sunday in the Randolph Tabernacle, where my grandfather, Archibald McKinnon, Sr. was Bishop for many years! Steven says his nephew, who has just returned from his mission will be one of the speakers!
So, tonight, I've stuffed just about everything I can think of that I might need into my car, blankets, my heavy winter coat, and my pillow. My razor and toothbrush and a few other essentials go out to the car with me in the morning. I'll drop my wife, Roxana, off at work, then go to a brief doctor's appointment, but by 10:30 a.m. tomorrow, I should be on the Road to Randolph (with apologies to Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, and Dorothy Lamoure).
I had hoped to visit the building that once was the McKinnon Bros. store, but when I called the Bear Lake Physical Therapy offices today, I was told they are only open on Tuesday and Thursday, so it looks like I'll only be able to take pictures of the exterior and its neighborhood. Maybe next year!
One more thing that this trip has done for me is that it has reminded me that I never posted updates of the house for two other visits, one in 2008, and one in 2010. When I return, I will be posting them, even if they are late, they need to be here. Besides, they include some really important pictures, with regard to the history of the R. S. McKinnon home.
Brent McKinnon